Creating a Kubernetes cluster and installing DEKUBE components

Creating a Kubernetes Cluster

ansible-playbook playbooks/cluster.yaml -e ignore_assert_errors=yes

You can watch the installation video instructions here.

In case of errors, ensure that:

  1. All updates are installed on the nodes;

  2. Nodes are accessible over the network;

  3. In the inventory, the IP variable specifies the IP address of the local wg0c interface of the node.

Please read before installing DEKUBE components

Each playbook declares variables to run it.

If a variable is empty, it must be set to its own value or the value specified in the example after the # sign

Without declaring these variables, errors will occur!

Each playbook also contains variables for tolerations and affinity. Set them in depending on your preferences for deploying services on specific nodes. If you want all DEKUBE services and components to run on master nodes, leave the variables as they are.

Installing DEKUBE components

ansible-playbook playbooks/dekube_components.yaml

Video instructions for installing DEKUBE components can be viewed here.

Installing DEKUBE Client Labeling

ansible-playbook playbooks/dekube_client_labeling.yaml

Installing DEKUBE Pushbroker

ansible-playbook playbooks/dekube_pushbroker.yaml

The variables specified in the playbook need to be set:

dekube_blockchain_url: "" #

Installing DEKUBE Billing

ansible-playbook playbooks/dekube_billing.yaml

The variables specified in the playbook need to be set:

dekube_backend_cabinet_public_key: "" # 2cQmXb8YzH4GiLBTh47XbFi1TvRf4Jsqaq5mqe7v9yTz54rpL5
dekube_blockchain_url: "" #
dekube_billing_s3_mounter_minio_host: "" #

After installing the DEKUBE Billing service, its public and private keys will be saved. The keys can be found in the files directory.

Installing DEKUBE Client API

ansible-playbook playbooks/dekube_client_api.yaml

Installing DEKUBE Dashboard

ansible-playbook playbooks/dekube_dashboard.yaml

The variables specified in the playbook need to be set:

blockchain_api_url: "" #

Last updated