🐧Tutorial for Linux

Requirements for Linux

  • OS: AlmaLinux 8/9 or Ubuntu 18, or above.

  • Processor: Minimum of 4 cores.

  • Memory: Minimum of 8 GB RAM.

  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB or above.

  • Storage: Minimum of 30 GB available spaces

  • Required Access: Root user privileges

  • Graphics Drivers: OpenCL, Metal, AMD Drivers(AMD GPUs) and AMD Drivers Signing, HIP or CUDA drivers.

The streamlined version of Linux lacks tools like lspci, lshw, and dmidecode, which need to be manually installed.

Connect Wallet

Go to https://dekube.ai/earn

1.Connect Wallet

Click on "Conncet Wallet” , Connect Metamask and sign with your wallet

2.Create your Login Key

Click "Generate Key"

Install DEKUBE Client for Linux:

1.Install Client

bash <(curl -sLk https://s.dekube.ai/dekube+client/scripts/DEKUBE_1.0.3.sh)
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 33.1M  100 33.1M    0     0  2576k      0  0:00:13  0:00:13 --:--:-- 1686k
Download successful!
Extracting dekube...

2.Bind your Login Key

dekube register [your Login Key]
[INFO] Registering client with address [your wallet address]
DEKUBE register finish

3.Connect Client

cd dekube-client
DEKUBE started
To stop DEKUBE, type 'dekube stop'
To check DEKUBE status, type 'dekube status'

That's it. Your device is now successfully connected.

Enjoy and Earn your points!

Last updated